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ICCBA President meets with other Bar Associations in Brussels for discussions on future cooperation

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On 24 October, David Hooper met with representatives of several Bars during a visit to Brussels to discuss the role of the ICCBA.

October 2016

The meeting was a courtesy call to explain the nature and objectives of the ICCBA and to request their help and support in achieving those objectives. In particular, the independence of the ICCBA and its willingness to work closely with them and with other associations was made clear. It was agreed that over the next months a scheme should be worked out as to the best forum or means for these Bars — and other Bars - to have contact and effective liaison and / or representation with the ICCBA. The consensus was that the meeting had been very positive and augured well for our future cooperation.

From left to right - Patrick Henry, representing L’Ordre des Barreaux Francophone et Germanophone de Belgique, Julie Goffin, representing Union Internationale des Avocets (UIA), David Hooper Q.C., President ICCBA-ABCPI, Mr Yves Ochinsky President of Fédération des Barreaux d’Europe, and Maitre Alioun Badara Fall, Ancien Bâtonnier du Senegal, Secrétaire General Adjoint de la CIB, also representing L'Organisation pour l'Harmonisation en Afrique du Droit des Affaires (OHADA). Also present was Mr Philip Buisseret General Secretary of The Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE).

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