About Us
The International Criminal Court Bar Association’s (ICCBA) establishment in July 2016 marked the fulfillment of a long-standing goal to establish a much-needed representative association of legal practitioners focused on matters relevant to the work of List Counsel and Support Staff before the International Criminal Court (ICC). At the 18th Session of the Assembly of States Parties, the ICCBA was officially recognised as the only representative body of counsel at the ICC in accordance with Rule 20(3) of the ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
The ICCBA is independent of the Court and is registered as a non-profit foundation (Stichting) under the laws of the Netherlands. The ICCBA’s operations are primarily funded by the subscriptions paid by its members.
The ICCBA serves as a collective voice for independent Counsel and Support Staff who represent victims, defendants and other actors (such as witnesses) before the ICC, provides a range of support and services to its membership, and acts as a forum for discussion on all matters pertaining to the ICC.
Those with demonstrable experience of international criminal law may be involved in the ICCBA as Affiliate members.
The ICCBA recognises that it is a part of a wider global legal community and seeks to develop and solidify its relationships with international, regional and national bars and other relevant organisations in order to promote and strengthen the Rome Statute system as well as discuss issues of mutual concern. The ICCBA has signed several affiliation agreements with national bar associations and legal organisations around the world.
Contact us
For all inquiries please use the contact form below or email: info@iccba-abcpi.org
The ICCBA, in accordance with its Constitution:
Advocates on behalf of its membership with respect to issues of collective concern.
Works to resolve practical issues faced by Counsel and Support Staff and generally improve the conditions of work of Counsel and Support staff before the Court.
Provides professional training conducted by experienced individuals.
Keeps members updated on legal and other developments at the ICC.
Provides confidential ethics advise and opinions.
Considers and addresses the particular views and concerns of Support Staff.
Builds and maintains relationships with the Organs of the Court, the ASP, and relevant international, regional, and national bar associations and organisations