On 8 November 2018, Chief Charles Taku, President of the ICCBA, delivered a speech at the opening of the Sixth International Meeting of the Defence which was hosted by the Defence Office of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) and was held in the courtroom of the STL. The event was attended by several defence counsel as well as members of the diplomatic community and staff of the international courts and tribunals. The annual meetings are an opportunity for the defence community at the international courts to come together and discuss pertinent issues and provide updates on challenges which have been encountered over the last year. Jens Dieckman, Vice President for Victims was also on a panel on 8 November and spoke about the interaction between the victims and defence at the ICC. On 9 November 2018, the meeting continued with closed meetings for defence counsel and support staff. Cyril Laucci, a member of the Executive Council, was on a panel about legal tools and Dominic Kennedy, Executive Director, moderated a panel on the updates from the international courts and tribunals.
The full speech of Chief Taku can be accessed here.
