On behalf of the Executive Council, the ICCBA is pleased to announce that at the 18th Session of the ICC Assembly of States Parties (ASP), which took place in The Hague between 2 and 7 December 2019, a Resolution was adopted which officially recognizes the ICCBA as an independent representative body of counsel, in accordance with Rule 20(3) of the ICC Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
The ICCBA is the only representative body of counsel to be recognized by the Assembly of States Parties, as well as annually invited, since the ASP’s 16th Session, to address the General Debate of the ASP and submit a report on the Association’s constitution and yearly activities. The Resolution specifies that the ICCBA may be consulted by the Registrar.
This recognition by the ASP acknowledges the important role played by the ICCBA in representing the interests of counsel and support staff on defence and victims' teams at the ICC and all members of the Association. This is an achievement of all members, whose participation in and unwavering support for the ICCBA has led to the ASP’s official recognition of the Association.
The ICCBA looks forward to continuing to work with all members in advocating for and strengthening the position of counsel and support staff at the ICC and the legal profession as a whole, as well as contributing to the development and enhancement of the Rome Statute framework.
The relevant text of the Resolution reads:
Notes the important work of independent representative bodies of counsel or legal associations, including any international legal association relevant to rule 20, sub-rule 3, of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence;
Takes note of the report on the constitution and activities of the International Criminal Court Bar Association;
Recognizes the International Criminal Court Bar Association, as an independent representative body of counsel which may be consulted by the Registrar, if appropriate, pursuant to rule 20, sub-rule 3 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence;
Invites the International Criminal Court Bar Association to report to the Assembly, through the Bureau, on its activities in advance of the nineteenth session.
The full Resolution is available here.